
These pictures are visions in the true sense of the word. They appear during a dream. They give me power and are therefore something very personal. Nevertheless I decided to publish them here so that you may profit of their power as well.




This elephant motive is a collage which is not a real vision. However the elephants on a specific sort of chocolate specialities inpired me to "see" this picture. A a dear colleague who collects all sorts of elephants now does not need to buy the chocolate just to get hold of the motive... :-))


The left painting is 150 x 50 cm on canvas, the picture below is the start into a "dark" series .



Here are some paintings out of my "red" dreams; the shells below are experiments only.






Well of energy    Magic forrest


Microcosmos in a drop of water

Bridge to the universe   Champforrest

Five mushrooms   Snake at a creek


Ausbruch der Lebenslichter*/Flow of energy/Life/(Part of )/Light curve/ Fire lilies
* this German title is ambiguous: it means escape/eruption of vitality/life/light

Wave of thoughts
          Circulation                 Fulcrum

      Balloons Version 1        Balloons Version 2



The red stair

    The forgotten picture


     The Wave (inspired byHokusai)